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Support our work to improve patients' lives 


Spinal Cord Injury:

There are ~300,000 spinal cord injury patients in the United States and ~17,000 new cases annually. ~42,000 of those patients are Veterans. The lifetime cost to support a tetraplegic patient (which is the most common injury) is in the range of $4M-$5M.


There are ~60,000 spinal cord injury patients in the UK and ~2,500 new cases annually with an estimated £1.1M lifetime cost of care.


Peripheral Nerve Injury:

3% of civilian trauma cases include peripheral nerve injury resulting in a loss of five million working days each year. 


30% of combat injuries will include peripheral nerve injury affecting many service members and Veterans


There is no treatment for spinal cord injury and treatment options for peripheral nerve injury are unsatisfactory.


Our goal is to promote recovery of paralyzed patients and improve their quality of life!



Private donations are essential in achieving our goal. There are many options from online credit card gifts to establishing an endowment. Your gift will directly benefit our efforts to develop treatments for patients with spinal cord and peripheral nerve injury. 


If you would like to learn more about how you can support our Neural Engineering research to benefit  injured patients, please contact Dr. Koffler at

Neural Engineering lab

Department of Neurosciences

School of Medicine

University of California San Diego

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